速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Learn Korean FlashCards for iPad

Learn Korean FlashCards for iPad



檔案大小:16.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Learn Korean FlashCards for iPad(圖1)-速報App

Learn over 6,200 Korean words. Yes, that's right, 6,200!

And each and every one with native speaker audio. Includes flashcards and exercises.

* Over 6,200 Korean words and phrases.

* Every word includes a native speaker's audio recording.

Learn Korean FlashCards for iPad(圖2)-速報App

* Flashcard Review and Exercises to aid memorization.

* Learning-list testing technique ensures word retention.

* Create completely custom user WordFiles.

* Search for words and meaning and add to Custom wordFiles.

Learn Korean FlashCards for iPad(圖3)-速報App

* Upload Custom WordFiles for backup and sharing

Declan Korean FlashCards is a foreign language vocabulary learning tool by Declan Software. The full Korean version includes around 6,200 words and phrases each with a native speaker audio recording. Words are organized into approximately 100 WordFiles with each WordFile containing up to 100 words.

The Learning List: The words are learned based on a Learning List. The Learning List contains a subset of all the words in the WordFile – 10 words by default (although this can be changed by users). The Learning List allows users to concentrate learning a small group of words at any one time. Once a word is learned (by reviewing the Learning List and completing the Exercises) it is removed from the Learning List and is replaced by another, as yet unlearned word from the WordFile. This continues until the whole WordFile is learned.

Exercises: Words in the learning list should first be Reviewed using the “Review Learning List” option. Then users can move to the Exercises which include the Meaning Exercise, the Word Exercise, the Spelling Exercise and the Listening Exercise. Once all the exercises have been correctly completed, the word is marked as complete, removed from the Learning List and replaced by a new word. However, if the user gets one answer wrong in any of the exercises, then all the exercises must be completed again for that one word. This ensures comprehensive learning and retention.

Learn Korean FlashCards for iPad(圖4)-速報App

Managing the Learning List: After a new WordFile is loaded the Learning List size is automatically set to 10. The number of words in the Learning List can be set by adding or removing words to the Learning List in the “Review Words” feature. In the “Task” menu select “All Words in WordFile” and then return to the main page.

Other language versions of Audio FlashCards includes on iTunes include: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, Bahasa Indonesian, Italian, French, German, Spanish. Russian, Hebrew, Greek and Portuguese. Free.

Learn Korean FlashCards for iPad(圖5)-速報App
